Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Early Morning Wakeup Call

(Thursday after class)
We made more progress with A Hard Days Night. Half of them give us glazed looks when were working on it in class but as soon as they leave I hear them trying to sing it for hours. Also I think we finally made progress on 'in', 'under', and 'on'. Plus started on 'to be' which went much better than I expected.

I really can't figure these kids. From their behavior in class I'd say they have no respect for us at all. But then at lunch and dinner they'll let Lucille and I get our food first, they always want to play and are always poking their heads in our room to say good morning or goodnight, hello, etc. I haven't encountered this behavior before. In all my years of schooling the kids who screwed around in class, talked, etc showed no respect for the teacher. Letting a teacher get their food first at lunch was unthinkable. Annoyingly one of their ways of showing they like us is to stand outside our day progressively earlier in the morning and say "Class Miss!"

We got invaded again last night. I'm slowly teaching the kids that they need to stay off of my bed. Lucille let's them play with her camera and her laptop but I am not that trusting. Last night I figured out how all the sand got in my bed. Two of the boys sat on my bed watching me play with my iPad and when I shooed them off I had even more sand and dirt than before. When Lucille leaves new rules will be enacted forbidding entrance further than the doorway without express permission from Miss.

Despite the periodic assaults they really aren't very annoying. The glaring exception is in the morning. Don't get me wrong. Every day I am more thankful for my sanctuary, especially because it has a lock. But (outside the classroom) they listen and do what I tell them. God forbid they should be that well behaved in class. And god forbid they should understand English as well in class as they do outside of class.

Rare species of Tree Monk in their natural habitat.

Something else that puzzles me here is the boys total lack of discipline. Not the kind that teaches them to be respectful, etc but the total lack of anyone telling them not to scream, fight, dangle each other over the railing, etc. Besides their three hours of class and time in the temple they do whatever they want. Hearing them get told off for something is very rare. As far as I can deduce they have no bedtime.

Oh! I forgot about what happened last night. Tommy (the dog) bit Lucille last night! We concluded that she only startled him, though, because he didn't break the skin and backed off when she screamed. I gave her an aspirin, disinfectant and tiger balm. This morning it isn't even very blue. I can't believe in two days we both got bitten by dogs and are fine. The Nepali beau snapped at my thumb but didn't break the skin and didn't bite hard. Of course I still used half a bottle of purell and fretted for hours but no apparent harm done.

Sweetheart, you were right again. I should have brought something for burns. Luckily a very nice Nepali man ran next door to get me a handful of ice. Screw the lady that sued McDonalds because her coffee was hot. This hurt! I appreciate the no germs thing but seriously. Luckily I spilled it on my fingers before it even got close to my mouth or I would never taste again. The "mocha" was entirely worth it.

You know, I'm writing this in the 'resort hotel' in Budhanilkantha. I expected stares, curious looks, some catcalling but I never expected to be looked down upon here of all places. Luckily my upbringing prepared me for this. I just put on my 'Grandpa Jim' face, ignore them and move on. Apparently I'm just a little too colorful for them. All of the other tourists here wear muted colors which i think is silly. One of my favorite parts of being here is not worrying about what I'm wearing. If I were home I would be shocked at what I'm wearing here and say no, no, no. Thats way too bright.

However, I will come here on a sunny day to play in the pool. It's totally worth the disapproving vibes. I'm sitting in a comfy chair looking out the window at my monastery up on the hill. Plus they have the cleanest bathroom that Lucille and I take advantage of whenever we can.

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