Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yielding to the mob

(Tuesday morning)
Uh oh, Andrea's a morning person. Well, if she thinks less of me for skipping breakfast and waking up 15 minutes before class that's her burden, not mine. It is 9 in the morning and I'm not in class. Weird.

Say cheeeeeese!
Last night the kids trickled instead of stormed in so I let them play with my camera and, as always, flip through every piece of reading material in the room. Later one of them asked me for something to do with the iPad which I didn't understand. Eventually I disentangled the words cartoon and two men. I laughed and realized they were talking about the few minutes they had watched of Road to El Dorado with me on the couch last week. I obediently put it on and had a group of ten kids around my bed watching the screen I held up before my back got tired and shooed them out with the promise of more tomorrow.

Before dinner we had a rousing game of frisbee played between people on the grass and the second floor balcony. Lucille had her favorite that she adored and wanted to take home with her but so far I haven't bonded that closely with anyone specific. Well, I think I just got adopted.

Oh, side note: I love my water filter. Lucille and I never drank the tap water straight, always boiled but Andrea says she does and it's fine. I'm not quite that trusting yet so my uv filter is my best friend now that I bought a new nalgene bottle for $6.

Second side note: Book stores are just as hard to resist in Nepal as at home. My addiction crosses borders, continents, and oceans.

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