Friday, May 25, 2012

Conflicting stories

(Boudha 5/25) Dropped Charles off at the airport last night. I think he's looking forward to eating those corn dogs in his freezer. No luck getting ahold of the guy from Next Gen Nepal. Not surprising since it's Friday. (The weekend here is Friday and Saturday) I left a message so hopefully I'll get him on sunday. Uh oh. I'm sitting here on a bench next to the Boudha stupa and the iPad is starting to attract attention. Oh well, a few nuns don't bother me. So Charles and I interviewed the ISIS guy and the guy from the Umbrella Foundation. How can two people working for the same goals and the same children tell such different stories. One says there's no child trafficking going on now and the other says the problem is worse than ever across south-east Asia. Hm. Thanks guys. Despite having a committee-like thing dealing with displaced children the Nepali government does not formally acknowledge that there is any child trafficking going on at all in their country. None. UNICEF, USAID, the State Department, and the EU disagree. Interestingly, one party told us that the Nepali government is extremely supportive and dedicated to displaced children, while the other said the exact opposite in no uncertain terms. Hmmm, which one seems more likely?

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