Monday, September 26, 2011

Ah! I forgot my bag! . . Oh, nevermind

(Friday night)
When the guy told me I only got one free hour on the internet for staying at the hotel I deflated. Trudging back up the stairs I went through resentment, anger, and desperation. How interesting that such a simple thing brought forth such a strong emotion. How interesting that such a simple thing brought forth such a strong emotion. How interesting that spending two hours running all over the post office only elicited fun and sore feet. If I take away the story I am left with the feelings themselves. What my mind would like me to believe caused the feelings doesn't matter. I say to myself "Oh. that's a feeling. Oh, that's a thought" and leave it at that.

(Saturday evening)
Today has been a struggle. I woke up panicked that I was getting on the plane and had forgotten everything in my bag... before I realized that I was already here. So many errands to run, which is actually good. I have about a four block radius of Thamel that I know well and it expands every time I'm here.

Oh, yesterday I had tea with my scarf brothers again. We were talking about my family and one noticed my ring. He is the first to do so this whole time. No, that's not true. Stella noticed. But anyway they were shocked to hear I was married at 21. "So early!" Then they asked if it was a love match. I guess the median age for girls getting married here is between 21 to 25.

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