Sunday, September 18, 2011

Can someone point me to the nearest witch doctor?

(during class-18th)
Last night was miserable! I swear I'm dying of yellow fever or something. Actually, dying would be a relief. My nose was running constantly, there was coughing, sneezing, and pain. Today my throat feels better but my nose is running even more. Last night I asked our cook if he could make me some tea. I must have looked so miserable that he took pity on me and made an entire thermos of black tea with honey. This morning he gave me my masala chiyaa first and after watching me blow my nose for the 16th time on the same hand wipe handed me a giant stack of napkins out of nowhere. They don't put napkins out for us at meals so I assumed we didn't have any at all. In any case I think I made a friend. We spent half an hour talking about my travels and telling me where in India I wasn't allowed to go by myself. He was impressed at my limited knowledge of India food and told me he loves Mexican but it isn't very healthy.

Right now I'm thinking about swinging in Marymoor Park on a sunny day.

(afternoon in Thamel)
How dare no one be on skype at 3 in the morning! I am outraged.

During lunch my cook friend gave me a sealed package of napkins and asked if I needed to go to the hospital. He's also making a special dinner of naan and curried potatoes for dinner. Where on earth did that idea come from, I wonder. I wavered back and forth between coming to Thamel with the girls and being miserable, or staying at the hostel and being miserable. Thamel won with the promise of Internet and more distractions from my despair.

Tomorrow I definitely (maybe) go (or don't) to my post so in preparation (or not) I treated myself to doing laundry after breakfast. For some reason washing my clothes is very relaxing, despite my back's complaints. I washed some of my new clothes for the first time which accounts for the blue tint to the water afterwards, I hope. Cold water sets dyes, right Grandma?

Oh, totally forgot about yesterday. While getting sicker every minute we visited a park of some sort next to a Hindu temple dedicated to Ganesh and got to walk down some freaking steep steps on the side of a gorge. Apparently this is the couples spot of kathmandu. Again, pictures can describe it better. And then, to my great joy, across a cable bridge suspended above the gorge. Probably wasn't in the best frame of mind or body to enjoy yesterday, is basically what I'm getting at. After getting back Anne and I (Anne shares my deathly condition) proceeded to get sicker and sicker.

I just ordered some French fries. No Daddy, don't give me that look. The ketchup is a combination of regular ketchup and BBQ sauce, I think.

Oh my god, my superego is having a field day. You would not believe how much I suck right now. Little Meagan and Esther are sitting across from me in their cute skirts, cute tops and beautiful scarves wrapped perfectly around their shoulders. While depraved me is wearing my black travel skirt, my favorite turquoise tank, and my shawl draped inferiorly around me. I've taken sudefed, zirtec, nose spray, my inhaler and gallons of tea still with no difference. The Lonely Planet phrasebook includes the phrase 'take me to a witch doctor.' I am starting to consider it.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you’re not feeling well baby. I wouldn’t recommend resorting to witch doctors just yet. Besides with my penchant for accents I’d probably mumble the phrase and ending up with a just a plain witch, without the medical bent. You might have better luck ;-) But if you don’t start getting better soon definitely ask for a doctor. You don’t have any other symptoms do you?

    Traditional fabric dyes are generally applied with hot water, sometimes hot salty water, and are set with cold water. Although under the right conditions modern detergents are certainly capable of stripping out traditional dyes I suspect that the blue tint in the water was simply the dye that had never fully adhered to the fibers.

    Tell your superego that you are on vacation and that it should take one too.

