Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Did we hit a pedestrian?' 'I think so, I heard a bang."

(the next morning before breakfast)
Oh boy. Meagan is a bad influence. Turns out I only lasted a week before buying a Tibetan singing bowl. In my defense it is lovely. Last night Meagan and I practiced in bed and our bowls sang Leigh and Esther to sleep.

Yesterday my throat started tickling, last night it felt irritated, and this morning it outright hurts. I am also irritated that the entire time we were at the restaurant yesterday I didn't post my new stuff. Tonight, meagan wants to head to the internet cafe this afternoon so I'll post then even if I have to retype everything.

I am a little homesick... No that's not true. I'm a little people sick. I do not want to leave Kathmandu but I miss my people. I want a kiss and to lay in my favorite spot. Meagan is in love with her beautiful Irishman and entertains us with his Gaelic messages and her swooning but it makes me want my beau (and in this instance 'beau' refers to my boyfriend.) Oh, baby, can you shake out my dreamcatcher again for me? Every night I've been dreaming more and more. Not particularly bad but not good either.

Speaking of people I nearly forgot the best quote of yesterday. Our taxi ride back from Thamel was terrifying. The best quote of the trip so far is "Did we just hit a pedestrian?" "I think so, I heard a bang."

(during class)
Dang it all, I think I picked up a cold. Only my throat hurt earlier but now my head is too heavy. I am proud that I managed to stay well for over a week. My stomach hurt a little yesterday and this morning but it's better now. Where did I get a cold from? Thank god it rained last night and this morning. The dust will be less for a day at least so my throat won't be as irritated. Right now I can't breath through my nose or mouth without it hurting. Yes Body, I understand you don't feel well but oxygen is helpful too.

Apparently after lunch we are going to see a valley. I keep pointing out to everyone that we are in one now but they just say it must be a different valley. Right now my body isn't really into seeing a different valley and wants to go back to sleep, even if it did wake up at 7 this morning.

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