Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Change of Plans

Well, I lied. This morning I emailed the Nepal director for Rustic and told him I was heading to the monastery today. I received a panicked response saying no, they would meet me here in Kathmandu and do introductions, etc. Then he would take me. That works for me just fine so I'm happy. I get to spend one more night at my hotel and with my friends. They leave tomorrow morning also. So tomorrow at 9 someone will come and pick me up at my hotel and whisk me off on the next step of my travels.

My overpriced bag is now safely in my possession. Instead of dumping all of my stuff from my original bag into my new sack (with no pockets) I just put my whole bag in my new one. Ooo! And I am so proud of myself. While Stella was in the bead shop I went across the street to look at shawls. For those who have met me, you know how extraordinary it is that I resisted buying one for two days. Anyway, I looked at several, decided on the one I wanted and found a stain. So the assistant and I looked for the exact same pattern and found one. That one had a pulled thread and three stains. Damn. So we found one extremely close and he told me 750 rupees. I countered with 500 and got it for 500. My first bargaining all by myself and Stella and Zorba agree I got a good price. A pashmina shawl for 7 dollars.

I really hope the universe doesn't decide I've had enough good fortune and turn it bad. But in the spirit of where I am, I accept what is happening and simply send good energy back to the universe to thank it.

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