Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Small Update

This is an unofficial post to let you know what I'm doing. It might be tomorrow or the next day before I find a wi-fi connection to upload my official chronicles.

Rereading my last entry I realised you guys don't know about the change of plans. On the 11th I sent an email to the coordinator saying that I would make my way up to my post later that afternoon. I received a panicked response saying no, they would pick me up the next morning and take me that afternoon. Well, it is now the 13th and I am still at their hostel. Now it's tomorrow they take me to the monastery. I don't mind yet but if they push it back again tomorrow I will begin to be upset.

Do not fear, I am faithfully recording everything. Oh, yesterday I discovered "Slice", a delicious mango soda with no bubbles. And earlier I washed my first load of clothes by hand! More on that to come.

I am going to run. Love you all.

P.S. Oh! and I discovered a ridiculously cheap way to call home. I can us a Netphone for a few rupees a minute but I have no idea what the cost is on your end. Look into it so I don't call and cost you a fortune, okay?

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