Monday, September 19, 2011

An earthquake and Bill the cockroach


We just had an earthquake at 18:40. No, I am not joking. I was leaning against the wall writing when I felt something shaking. I paused and looked at Leigh. We started at each other for a few seconds before I said "seriously?" She replied by jumping out of bed and grabbing Meagan off the balcony to stand in a doorway before people started filing downstairs in the dark. The funny thing is I asked Keshar about Nepal and earthquakes the day before yesterday and he said Nepal has them but he'd never felt one. Consequently Keshar is now very excited. As if anyone doubted that I've been dating John Daniel Peppe for a little under two years my first thought runs towards earthquake codes. Breakfast tomorrow will be fun. I can't wait to find out the number on the reichter scale.

Oh, I keep forgetting to tell you about Bill. Bill is the coachroach that lives in the left hand bathroom on our floor. Daddy, you where right. He's a lot more scared of me than I am of him.

(20:09 after dinner)
At dinner I met a charming girl from Sweden and then stayed behind to listen to the guys conversation. The guys who work here come up to eat dinner after most of the others leave and I can tell you that boys talk about the same things in every language, in every country. I don't need to speak Nepali. In any case someone walked in and said the news was reporting 6.8 at the epicenter in Sikkim, India and a 6.2 in the Kathmandu Valley. Awesome. As I'm writing this I'm hoping I'll have an opportunity to send a quick email saying I'm alright to people before someone starts panicking. If I had to place a bet John is my pick for a panic. I can hear him saying now the buildings are even more unsafe than they were before!

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