Monday, September 19, 2011

The Strange Case of the Missing Underwear

(still the 18th in Thamel)
I really hope the pouring rain a few hours after I hang up my washing to dry does not become a trend...

(back at the hostel)
Well that ruined my day. Just as we left the resteraunt it started pouring so we hopped in a taxi and I resigned myself to knowing my laundry would be soaked through again by the tine we got back. However, when I made it to the roof to check, my three pairs of underwear carefully pinned and in the middle of the roof were missing. To hours later they are still missing. Foul play? I think so.

On the bright side I finally located my afrin.

On a side note, every day I discover more similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism. I love that these two seperate religions get along so well that they can share a temple site. Keshar is Hindu but he spins the prayer wheels right along with the pilgrims and me. Hindu mantras are the same also. I like living in a world where two religions can be good friends.

Ah ha. Keshar just poked his head in and said I leave tomorrow after lunch.

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