Saturday, September 10, 2011

Incomplete Record of Perfect First Day

(first morning)
Ha! I was correct. It took about ten minutes to convince myself to actually go downstairs but I finally won. My guy from last night was behind the counter and asked how I had slept. I presented him with my little problem and he set to puzzling over it. Then a colleague stepped up and asked him what the problem was. They went back and forth while tugging and examining. Then the second disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a cleaver. After a few experimental wacks a second cleaver appeared. When a third man joined us I couldn't hide my grin any longer. Despite not understanding Nepalese I followed their conversation like it was in English. "Have you tried this yet?" "Of course, it won't work. The mechanism is right here." "What about there?" "Oh yeah, hold this." "Hey! Watch it would ya?" ... The final count was two cleavers, a hammer, some wire and two saw blades between four men. The saw blade finally did it. Twisted steel cables, yeah right. Mind you, I'm not complaining. Thank god I didn't let John buy one for me or I'd have to rip the bag to pieces to get at my stuff. In any case, my experiment was a success and highly amusing. Now I embark on my next big adventure; going outside! Wish me luck.

(at dinner first night)
It is a shame that I start writing this now since my heart only started hurting two hours ago. This day has been perfect. But for now I will focus on my heart. There is no story other than distance that makes me hurt.

(in bed) It proves the worthiness of my companions that they didn't flinch when tears started running down my cheeks during dinner.

Stella is a naturopath from Florence with two boys. She is gorgeous with olive skin and dark, curly hair. We enjoy ourselves communicating in a combination on English, French, Italian and hand gestures. Dusting off my French contributed to to the joy of today. I am both amazed and appalled by my memory. When Stella doesn't know the English word she says it to me in French and I translate it to the others. I understand a good deal of what she says. The responding is the hard part. I understand her when she talks about the sick children at the monastery, unhygienic street food, and her divorced but I can't think how to say "I am afraid of being run over". (We had that discussion on the way to dinner and concluded we should bring a dictionary or phrasebook with us shopping tomorrow. I have a total crush on Stella. She isn't afraid of anything and her energy let's her feel everything. She put her hand on a bush and I heard it smile.

Zorba is her boyfriend of I don't know how long. As far as I can tell they met a few months ago in India. He's a kind soul but pushy when called for and he has the ability to make friends with shop clerks without buying anything. or Nisan or "Our Monk" as I like to call him is extraordinary. I wasn't out of my room 10 minutes before I ran in to him in the lobby. Before I knew it his friend (Zorba) came down to meet him and asked me to join them for breakfast. A few minutes later Stella appeared and we set out. That was at 9am and we didn't split up until just now about 8. Stella and I are meeting at 10am for shopping, then lunch and probably meet up with the guys in the afternoon.

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