Saturday, September 10, 2011

More incomplete first day

(second morning)
I have collected six mosquito bites to far and they itch like crazy. During the night I woke up unable to stop scratching the one on my wrist. This morning I realize I couldn't because another bug bit me in the same spot! Grrrrrr.

Right, on to recording yesterday in full. After finding some sand in my bag I pulled out a wide-strapped tank top and went downstairs to see if I could pay for my room. My other desk buddy showed me to an ATM around the corner, which I wrestled with for ten minutes before accepting that it was refusing my credit card but liked my debit just fine. Seriously? So much for no "fees". Anyway, I'm sure I can fix it so I'm not freaking out yet. I had a moment of panic when I thought I was lost walking the half block back tom the hotel but I had just overshot the skinny door by two shops. My buddy handed me a ledger to "check in" with and cheerfully told me that he was heading to the airport to pick up another guest and he'd be back in an hour so he'd see me then. I ordered some chai (or masala tea as it is here; more on different teas later) and sat in the lobby waiting to be asked to pay for my room. Instead I sipped and watched and read. (There was a Nepali newspaper in English on the table.) On the back page I found horoscopes, which amused me, so I read mine. Lady night, before I went up to my room and went back and ripped it out of the paper to save. It may be utter nonsense and yes, I know that they are written vaguely on purpose so people will make their day fit them and not the other way around. I don't care. I found it extremely comforting. For those who are curious, here it is I full.

~ Aries: Someone could be quite fussy. You might be partially listening, not wanting to deal with this persons energy. Know that you are fortunate with funds, but don't overspend. A partner seems to be easing up and relaxing. Tonight: Find your pals. ~

I might have pals! My partner might be relaxing! Incredibly comforting. After this great news I glances up to see a monk walk through the front door and sit down on the couch across from me. I was so busy beaming that he began the conversation before I could. First time in Kathmandu, on my own, practice English, etc. My monk is from a town about a kilometer outside of Lhasa, Tibet. He moved to Dharasalam, India 7 years ago and is visiting Nepal for a few months on some project for his monastery. Oh boy, oh boy! Next, Zorba joined us. They talked and I listened and before I came to terms with my good fortune breakfast was planned and included me. To complete the perfection this scene Stella joined us, introduced herself and insisted I come. Luckily I brought my bag down with me so I had everything I needed and we set out.

Following our monk and chatting a little we made it to a garden restaurant on the roof of a hotel. What felt like twenty stories later (probably about 6) we made it. My pictures have to speak for me here. We sat on a line of benches, Stella, then me, then Phorsan, then Zorba. After nearly driving our waiter to distraction we ordered a Tibetan breakfast, Nepali breakfast, something vaguely similar to miniature samosas that I can't remember the name of and drinks.

(A note on what I have learned about tea so far: Chai is called Masala tea, Nepali tea is very similar with a little cocao in it, Nepali lemon tea is water with lemon, and Tibetan tea tastes like tea with butter in it. And that is actually true. Yak butter, or milk, is put in the tea. Despite my companions favorable reviews I cannot handle Tibetan tea. It really does taste like drinking butter. More on tea to come, I am sure.)

During breakfast Zorba decided we should visit phorsans monastery. We ended up visiting the large monastery near phorsans for reasons I could not understand (literally). Again my pictures can do more justice to this experience. ...

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