Monday, September 26, 2011

Little Invaders

(sunday afternoon)
Going out for water I ended up climbing a slope and hanging out with the goats for a while. We sat and talked before I started back down the hill.

Lucille and I were talking about how I mostly drink just hot water, not tea. I pointed out that I wanted some honey for my tea and next time we go to the village I'd get some. Not two hours later a monk knocked on our door frame with a local guy in tow and asked if we wanted to buy some Nepalese honey.

Oh my god! Our room was just invaded by little orange and red people. This is the downside to teaching little boys where there is no concept of ownership. Little boys touch everything by nature so take away any learned restraint and your possessions end up strewn all over the room with sticky hand prints on everything with six piled on your bed trying to play with your computer. In five minutes they managed to copy three pictures and enlarged one. They also riffled through all of my magazines, books, and newspapers, plus Lucille's journal. In ten minutes they tried to grab my camera five times so I was forced to hide it under my pillow. My clock, my headphones, even my bag were disturbed. On the other hand Lucille and I laughed for ten minutes straight when she gave one of her mints to a boy. Such a face he made!

(later still)
Ahh! They came back again! The little ones have that mildew small that bothers me above all others. Kay, am I a bad person because I won't give them free reign with my stuff? God, I feel like I have to wash everything now. I'm having to work so hard as it is to keep my stuff tolerably clean without more foreign invaders to deal with. Kay, what should I do? I feel bad about pushing them off of my bed but I had such a strong gut reaction when they touched my Pema Chodron book I snatched it back before I had time to think about what I was doing. Class is hard enough as it is, but now they're invaded my nest. No, that's not right. Ownership is an illusion. The universe is my space and I am space in the universe. Not necessarily but its a distinct possibility!

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