Saturday, September 10, 2011

On route

(written on flight to china)
Here begins one of the longest flights I've ever been on, 13 hours to China. Despite a certain someone who shall remain unnamed (John Daniel) insisting that I only fly on western-based airlines or face certain death i have to say that China Southern Air is making a respectable effort to match Luftansa as my favorite. Not only do I have the good fortune to be in an exit row but they provide a respectable set of headphones, a nice blanket, pillow, and a toiletries kit complete with eye cover, toothbrush, toothpaste and earplugs. My only problem is they designed the seats for Asian people so they are even skinnier than ours. Oh well. I have six miles of leg room and a window to lean on. So far the flight attendants get two thumbs up but there are another 13 hours for them to turn into jackasses.

Sea-Tac remains my favorite airport, however Vancouver International may beat it for ambiance. An actual stream runs on both sides of the escalators you take to get to customs and in the middle of the international terminal they built a floor to ceiling glass tank filled with local fish and lazily swaying kelp. One of the coolest things ever. I totally want one. Plus security is so easy. You don't have to take your shoes off and the guards are nice and helpful.

Surprisingly I haven't cried since Sea-Tac. Now I am getting caught up in my adventure. I can't wait to step off the plane in Kathmandu and meet the Tibetan family that owns the hotel where I'm staying. Will my bag be there? Will I find food and water before I go to sleep? Will I ever wake up? I guess we'll see.

Please for the love of everything holy let me sleep on the plane.

(In china airport)
I got through the flight! You know, that 13 hour flight was shorter than the 4ish hours from Denver back to Sea-Tac.

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