Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The perfect meditation retreat

(still Sunday morning)
We had a rousing chorus of the first third of A Hard Days Night at the end of class.

Every day I realize how much my super ego rules my life. I have to think about what I eat, how much I eat, when I can take a nap, whether I should say "hello" or "namaste" or nothing at all, even where to sit! There is potential in every little action for me to fail as a human being. Why?

There is one song that every music shop in Kathmandu plays at least 6 hours a day. It is an accompanied Tibetan choir chanting "om mani padme hum". Of course I now own it and have turned it (appropriately) into a meditation practice. The song is both soothing and stressful because I feel the chants making my soul vibrate but there are minutes in between with only music. I listened to it for the first time on my own and found myself getting increasingly anxious. Mentally pausing, I thought about it and found that the music in between the chanting caused me stress because I was always waiting and wanting the chants to continue. What an interesting realization that a song I love caused me to stress out.

Remember when I said this wasn't going to be the meditative retreat I had in mind? The only difference is the lack of actual sitting. My adventure is exactly what it should be. Every minute is a meditative practice.

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