Monday, November 7, 2011

"Stop bothering Miss!"

(Thursday afternoon)
I can walk! Almost normally too. This is very exciting news.

My favorite mini monk did the sweetest thing earlier. As I sat on my doorstep in the sun, with my foot stretched out in front of me, mini monks started gathering one by one to watch me write. After a while they started picking out the letters so of course I quizzed them a little. When I had ten crowded around me and especially after the littlest one hit my foot with the soccer ball I decided to relocate. Giving in the the inevitable and handing over the iPad I limped over to sit on the wall next to Choying. A minute later Padpal (my favorite) leaned over the balcony above my room and shouted something to the other mini monks on my doorstep. Choying translated for me: "Stop bothering Miss! She is sick. How do you feel when you are sick and people bother you?"

I know, right?!

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