Monday, November 7, 2011

Mini Nurses and Rabies Shots

(Tuesday afternoon)
I didn't write any yesterday despite spending all of it in bed. My mini monks really are the sweetest things I could ever wish for. They are excellent nurses and took care of me all day. They brought me lunch and dinner without me asking, and refilled my water bottle. Choying acted as my human walking stick and helped me up the hill to the toilet last night. Forgive the indelicacy of my next statement but as I was unable to make it up the hill at any time during the day (and last night wasn't a good idea) I impressed myself with my ingenuity at making a bedpan out of a water bottle.

As to yesterday morning: Choyang woke me up about 7 to take me to the clinic for a rabies shot. Right after Tommy bit me my foot hurt like hell but I could put enough pressure on it to walk. It just got worse as the night went on. No idea how many hours of sleep I got but they weren't many. By morning I couldn't put any weight on it at all. My friend has already called a taxi but it couldn't get up to me; the gate being locked. Whoever is Keeper of the Keys here needs to be fired. Anyway, after hopping a few yards with Choyang's help the gardener appeared and carried me on his back the rest of the way. That wasn't embarrassing at all! I must weigh twice as much as he does besides being a head taller.

I couldn't even set my foot down on the floor of the taxi and the boulders (I mean road!) did not help. We pulled up to what looked like any of the other pharmacies and Choying went inside. He reappeared to ask me if I wanted to go inside for my shot or just do it in the taxi. Anyone who's met me probably knows my aversion to needles. Add on being in Nepal, not at a hospital, and surrounded by people staring at me and my mind was not in the best place. Still, I figured if I was going to get light headed and pass out I might as well do it in the taxi. When the guy approached me with the needle, however, I thought how bad can rabies be, really? Maybe I'll just take my chances.

An idea had occurred to me the night before and I grew more certain after my painful night. I thought that Tommy might have broken or sprained or something a bone in my foot. I felt more blood drain out of my face seeing the needle and grabbed my friends arm. "Could we go to the actual clinic? Please? I worry that I have a broken bone." Choying said "You want x-ray?" Not quite what I was going for. I considered an x-ray a little over the top but sure, why not. "Okay, come." Huh? I said. "You get x-ray in back of shop." Oh great.

Awww! My boys just brought me a walking stick they made after helping me to the bathroom! Oh, they brought two. They are so sweet.

At least I got my doctors office. Of course I'll probably die from radiation but at least it was my foot and not anything closer to more vital areas. Five minutes later nope no broken bones. Well, then I felt like more of an idiot for being a hypochondriac. Ah!!! Shit, time for the needle again! And who follows the pharmacist into the room? His assistant, two friends and even the taxi driver! Their roar of laughter when I shied away from the needle did not help me. I shooed them out and just barely remembered to keep breathing as tears streamed down me cheeks.

Oh my, they just brought me another walking stick they cut out of bamboo. ... Now were sitting on my doorstep and my mini monk with the broken arm complimented me on my eyes. I will be sad to leave them, even if I haven't taught in days. Even if the littlest one hit my foot with the soccer ball earlier. That hurt. Good thing Im not done here until the 5th and don't get on the plane until the 7th.

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