Thursday, December 15, 2011


Choying is back! Him and my new friend (Kunsul) just stopped in to say hello. Of course they come home while I'm playing dress up with my sari but I've decided not to be embarrassed and take their compliments. See? I'm getting better. Take that Super Ego!

They spent the day in Swayambu doing a special pooja for some reason or other. My favorite moment however was when Choying asked me why I was in my sari. I asked him if he remembered his sisters playing with their mothers clothes and jewelry when they were little and he said yes! That just tickled me.

I love it here. It feels like I was away for two years instead of two years instead of two weeks. Dear lord! Another of the shy ones stuck his head in to say hello and compliment me. Maybe the key to connecting to my monks is through fashion. They complimented me on my punjabi when I wore it for the first time and always say that I'm thinner. And I left why?

Apparently the master is coming tomorrow because a new monk is arriving. Cool.

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