Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jennifer Lopez and Justin Beiber

(Nov 30)

Although it took me a month to figure out, I like giving the camera to the boys and especially the guys. They capture moments that I would miss otherwise and feel less self conscious. Of course the lense comes back with fingerprints every time but you can't have everything. Where would you put it?

Chouing and I watched music videos on his iPhone this morning. Seriously. He likes Jennifer Lopez and a Korean band called Big Bang. I berated him for having a Justin Beiber video until he asked me why I didn't like him. That was a stumper. If I was 13 I would probably love him. After all I went through my Britney Spears phase and was smack dab in the middle of the 'boy band' craze. Not that Chouing is 13, he;s a little above 25 as far as I can gather. (He won't give me a serious answer... about anything, ever.)

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