Thursday, December 15, 2011


The important thing now is that I am back in a world that makes sense in a 'not knowing all the rules' kind of way. Yet I know that even if I accidentally disrespect the guru neither he nor my monks will stop liking me. Rinpoche seems to like me well enough and the boys help me out with protocol.

The day after I arrived the monks had a picnic scheduled as a farwell party for the guru's son and daughter. They left for New York a few days later to go to school. We set up just outside of a national bird preserve and had a great time. I regard this picnic as cheating since not only did we bring a desk and cushion for the guru and rugs for the others, we also brought a gas stove. The guru arrived late which was fine. The boys had fun paddling in the boats on the little pond and I took a nap in the sun. I could have strangled Rigzin when he took a kada (prayer shawl) from his bag and pushed me into the middle of the circle to present it to the Master when he arrived. Instead of letting me lay the kada on the table in front of him like everyone else Rinpoche took it and put it around my neck. ( I must have 16 of these things now and each one is precious to me.)

As I walked back to Rigzin and Chouing the others began taking their seats on the rugs placed facing the guru. The guru must have signaled to Rigzin because he turned me around and propelled me towards the circle yet again. I would have kicked him but the master beckoned me forward and gestured to a place kitty corner  to his family. Every once in a while I'd catch Rigzin's eye and make faces at him ranging from desperate to menacing. He beamed the entire time like a dad watching his daughter recieve a great honor. Which is probably true. He just looked so happy and proud that I eventually gave up on being mad at him. I nearly burst into tears multiple times from shear nervousness. And he even talked to me!

The Master talked to me about what a good thing I was doing traveling and wished more of his 'followers' could do the same. He even explained what was going on several times and asked me what the animals were called on nepali rupees.

After the picnic everyone headed to the bird sanctuary to explore and I nearly died at least eight times from the boys dragging me around. One boy on each arm pulling you down stairs while wearing a long skirt is hazardous to ones health. 

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