Thursday, December 29, 2011

Random Thoughts

Shame on me for not writing despite having the iPad fixed.

I did a bunch of clothes washing yesterday and consequently I am sore! today. So, I've been thinking that I have random thoughts all the time that I want to write down but since they don't go with any story, and I usually forget them by the time I'm in front of the computer. So here are some of my random thoughts.

Did I tell you that almost every article of clothing that the monks wear match their robes? Jackets, sweatshirts, hats, shirts are all a shade of red, yellow, or brown. With a few exceptions. Choying and Rigzin both have gray sweaters and Rigzin has a black sweatshirt. Such mavericks, those two.

A few weeks ago I found out that the four holiest days on the Tibetan calendar are the 5th, 10th, 25th, and the 29th. Those are the four days of the month when pooja lasts all day. Apparently the 25th is especially special because good karma is multiplied on that day. Also it has extra good energy if you want to sit for someone and send them good energy.

I can't help giggling every time the monks wander around half naked, which happens quite often. Especially Rigzin's brother Kunsug. I try to look somewhere else when he wanders by in his boxers but its hard. There's almost always a naked monk somewhere in the morning and early afternoon. This perplexes me because in all other respects most are very shy of me. Talk with me seldom, can only sit so close to me, etc. But walking around in their underwear, no problem.

Oh, as an update Tommy and I are good friends again. He always stops by my room to say hi at night and for pets. After he bit me and when I got back everyone tried to keep Tommy away from me thinking I was scared of him. It took a while to convince them that he and I made up a long time ago. After I got over being mad at him, that is.

So there are my random thoughts for the day.

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