Monday, February 6, 2012

American-style carwash

(Jan 12)
Having not written as faithfully as I ought I shall now backtrack to a favorite story of mine from last week. First the setting. A week ago Chouying and his family helped buy his sister Ramla a motorbike to help her get to and from work. Right now it can take her multiple hours on the bus. Of course she doesn't know how to drive it. So their solution was to buy the bike after a long, long, long wait and Chouying would teach her how to drive using her own bike. Makes a certain sense. But she works a lot and Chouying is often busy doing his official monk stuff so they only get a few lessons in a week. Consequently he has possession of the bike until Ramla gets her license. You can bet he's having fun. I sometimes despair of her ever getting her license because then he'll have to relinquish the bike. But back to my story.

Chouying decided the bike needed washing (unnecessarily in my opinion) and I decided to introduce him to a true American-style carwash. The boys and him pushed it over to the water spout where we wash our clothes while I dashed to my room and changed clothes. They were just starting to douse the bike when I picked up my own bucket and flung it (only half full for the record) in Chouying's direction.

Within 10 minutes all the boys and myself were soaked through. Annoyingly Chouying remained mostly dry owing to his good dodging skills and the boys protection, the whole time whining about having no clean clothes to change into. Namgel acted as bodyguard for Chouying while Padpal attempted to protect me from a determined Thopjor. This was my indirect solution for washing off three days worth of calamine lotion. It succeeded. The boys had fun soaping and rinsing me after which I laid in the sun to counteract the hypothermia.

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