Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Justin Beiber is Everywhere!

The hills are steep and ridiculously green. When the clouds swirl around the tops of the mountains it reminds me of Japan. People farm on the hills with the step system like the Inca's. While Lucille and I were in town I happened to look up at the hill in front of us and saw a huge, tiered golden roof. It took me a minute to clue into the fact that it was the roof of our monastery seen from the valley.

Every day we marvel more and more at how free the monks are here. Yesterday I learned that they have a tv in one of the rooms. Last night one of our kids poked his head in to the 'living room' as I call it where the adults eat to ask if they could watch the DVD in his hand. Besides about two quiet hours during the day the kids spend the rest of there time running and playing. Or so it seems. Everyone whistles or sings as they go about there business. Lucille and I will look at each other and start laughing at least three times a day when someone bursts into song while walking past our open window.

This morning I asked who the kids favorite singer was and met a horrific response. Justin Beiber! Seriously! Lucille couldn't breath yesterday when she discovered some of the boys dancing to Michael Jackson.

1 comment:

  1. Justin Beiber, Michael Jackson? Should I start including CD’s from artists more to your liking in my foreign aid packages?
