Friday, October 21, 2011

Water Wars with Monks

(Tuesday before lunch)
Okay I am going to write.

Andrea leaves today after lunch. This morning she gave the boys some chocolate and a pack of balloons. The balloons were by far the most popular. Last night some of the older monks and I sat on the couch and watched The Prince of Persia. Man that sounds weird just reading that sentence.

Time means little here in many ways. Spending multiple hours washing a blanket on the ground, scraping the soap and water out over and over again with bucket after bucket of water. No class or shortened class every other day. Waiting day after day for the guru to visit. Currently, we are awaiting the arrival of the monastery's Swiss sponsors who should have arrived yesterday. No one (including myself) arrives at this monastery on time. They put me off for two days, I put them off for a week, Rustic came early to pick up Lucille, and now they are late in picking up Andrea. But it's all okay. One could say my world is now ordered along Karynn Time and Karynn is enjoying it.

Yesterday, in preparation for the tardy benefactors we scrubbed down the nine shrines in front of the monastery. Each represents an achievement of Buddha or something along those lines. Of course class was canceled again in favor of cleaning so I wandered down and asked if I could help scrub. The older monks and I had a great time soaping, scrubbing, rinsing and getting thoroughly wet. Whether accidentally or on purpose I got sprayed with the hose several times and retaliated by flinging my rag at the offender. Towards the end our rinser dropped the hose. Being me, I helpfully picked it up to hand back but not before dousing him with it. Hey, I'm not going to waste such a perfect opportunity.

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